
Topic - Software Support of Business

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on December 2, 2015 at 6:00:37 pm

Software Support of Business


Businesses use software, and an understanding of the different types of software are important for the IT professional. This topics looks at some basic types of systems used across many businesses.


Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP)


An enterprise resource planning system is a system that integrates the core business processes of an organization. It is normally referring to a large integrated software system that is made up of many sub-systems that work together.  The article at wikipedia covers the basics of ERP ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enterprise_resource_planning ) Most ERP systems in implementation are produced by large scale software vendors such as PeopleSoft (used by Daytona State College) or SAP. A list of ERP software vendors is at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ERP_software_packages - knowledge of specific ERP systems is a strong transferable skill - as many are complex and require a high level of expertise.


Point of Sale (POS) Systems


If you have ever bought anything - you have at least been subject to a point of sale system. A POS system is the software and hardware that is used to manage transactions in nearly every retail transaction. Many people think of the POS system as the electronic cash register, but even systems such as Paypal are technically a POS as they allow you to transact money for a purchase.  You should read the article on POS at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_of_sale 


Records and Information Management System (RM, RIM, RMS)


Records management systems are systems that are design to hold organizational records. Your student records are held by an RMS that is actually part of our ERP. An RMS must be able to reliably maintain the records throughout their entire life cycle - from creation to when they can be destroyed (if ever). Many records (such as criminal records or school records) have specific government requirements on how they must be maintained and archived. There are many types of Records Management systems specific to different industries and needs. The article at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Records_management covers these systems in depth.



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