

Page history last edited by Dr. Ron Eaglin 8 years, 11 months ago

CEN 4801 - Systems Integration



Welcome to CEN 4801 - This course is taught at Daytona State College as part of the BSIT program. The course is designed to give students a head start into the field of systems integration. This is a large and dynamic field with lots of tools. The course requires students to get familiar with the challenges of systems integration and the strategies used to overcome those challenges.


Course Description - Studies the process of integration of different software systems and applications into an organization. Covers issued with integrating software systems in large organizations including developing requirements, security, inter-operability, business process documentation and support, testing, and maintenance.


Instructor: Dr. Ron Eaglin, eaglinr@daytonastate.edu


Wiki Based Classes - All Students Read


The class management for these courses is wiki based. All course  materials and assignments will be available at this web address. Bulletin Boards and Drop Boxes for all assignments will be available in Falcon Online.  https://class.daytonastate.edu/ . Make sure you complete the assignments specified in each module.


Please use the bulletin board for your module to ask questions about a module. Also the assignments will give you instructions on what to complete for your assignments. There may be coding, written assignments, quizzes, and other exercises.


CEN4801 - Course Outcomes


  1. Explain key challenges, concepts and strategies related to systems integration.
  2. Understand organizational and management issues related to systems integration.
  3. Understand key methods, architectures and technologies used in systems integration.
  4. Analyze systems integration requirements, using business process models and design solutions.
  5. Utilize knowledge of systems integration to effectively communicate systems integration strategy and methodologies.


List of Modules (assignments)


Module 1 - Analyzing a Set of Business Processes

Module 2 - Documenting a Business Process

Module 3 - Writing a Set of Software Specifications

Module 4 - Case Study - ERP Implementation

Module 5 - Writing an RFP

Module 6 - Integrating Systems

Module 7 - Merging Systems

Module 8 - Cost of Maintenance

Module 9 -

Module 10 - Understanding Job Requirements



Topics Covered

  1. What is Systems Integration

  2. Software Specifications

  3. Business Process Analysis

  4. Documenting Business Processes

  5. Software Support of Business

  6. The Request for Proposal (RFP) Process

  7. Purchasing Enterprise Software

  8. Integrating Systems

  9. Merging Software Solutions

  10. Software Systems Training

  11. Maintenance of Enterprise Software







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